Tuesday, October 25, 2022




My first website, now defunct, had different pages and somewhat different content.

When the platform I was using forced a change, I also let go of one of my favorite original pages, one that had links to writing friends’ sites. I originally called that page “The Writing Life.”

It’s gone from the innerwebs. But writing friends, thankfully, are not.

So this week, I choose to copy and paste the screenshot of  that old page, because it continues to anchor my writing life.


Evelyn said...

What a sweet post. I'm so glad we're friends.

Vijaya said...

Lovely. Reminds me of the song:
Make new friends but keep the old;
one is silver and the other gold :)

Barbara Etlin said...

That page perfectly reflects you. There's no reason you can't recreate something like that on your new website.