Tuesday, December 19, 2023



Ever note the day’s date and feel there is something significant that you ought to have remembered about it, but you draw a blank?


This happens to me now and then, and usually it involves someone’s birthday who I have lost touch with long ago. Sometimes it’s a calendar date I made a point to remember for practical reasons, (time to turn the mattress, time to begin watering the yard, time to check on a relative who should have completed a last round of chemotherapy) but it was long ago.


Today’s date is an easy one for me: it celebrates the birth of a wonderful person I was lucky to have known. He left this earth, but his mark on it is alive and continues to bless many.

Happy Birthday, Abba


Vijaya said...

Happy birthday to your father, Mirka. You will meet him in heaven!

Evelyn said...

Yes, happy birthday to your father. From all the things you've told me about him, he sounds like a wonderful person.

Sherry Ellis said...

Happy Birthday to your dad!

Yes, I know the feeling of forgetting why a date is important. Comes from having too much on the plate.

Wishing you all the best in 2024!

Barbara Etlin said...

Happy birthday to your father, Mirka. My husband and I and my brother and I remember all our relatives' birthdays, too.