Tuesday, November 21, 2023



Maybe it was fortuitous, but I happened upon this blog post one day after reflecting on the conduct of an artist who I’m close to. The post is a reflection on the various ways some of us sabotage ourselves without having the slightest clue we are doing it.


I think this applies to all human endeavors. The crux of it is that because it sounds an illogical thing to do, we refuse to see it. Competing with insufficient or no preparation, spending time in useless activities that do not so much as bring us joy, spewing unkind words born of frustrations at the people who love us most and could help— all examples of self-sabotage. All lend themselves to easy explanations to self that disguise the drive behind them: I do not deserve success.


In one way, no one deserves anything. But striving to do something that adds value and having it recognized is a worthwhile way to go through life. Thus, if we just remove the notion of “deserving,” maybe we’ll also withdraw our third invisible foot that somehow, against reason, we have placed right where we step. Maybe this will prevent the next tripping up. Maybe.


MirkaK said...

Yes, sometimes we can be our own worst enemy. Good advice to keep oneself from tripping unnecessarily. Another way is to stopping putting our foot in our mouth!

Dave said...

Yeah, I had to stop "eating" for a while (using the metaphor of the linked post). I'm glad I'm back to gnawing at my pages again now :D

Vijaya said...

Indeed. I know I'm my own worst enemy...good reflection, Mirka. And a happy Thanksgiving to you and all yours.

Karen Jones Gowen said...

A psychologist I follow calls this Cost Benefit Analysis, in fact wrote an entire book about the subject. As far as creativity goes, I go more for staring out the window over staring at the phone. If I spend my day's writing time staring at the phone, it's an utter waste but out the window, not at all!

Evelyn said...

Lots of good things to think about. Thank you, Mirka.