Tuesday, May 28, 2024



Even the word in English, SPRING, brings to mind a hop~ and a skip~ and a jump~---an upward trajectory.


Enjoy the uplift with a spring in your step.

Life is reaffirming itself.



Vijaya said...

Thank you...though it's already looking a lot like summer here in SC :)

Mirka Breen said...

Yes, Vijaya. The saying is the Memorial Day marks the beginning of Summer. But if that were so, Spring might as well be canceled or amount to nary a weak week ;P

Evelyn said...

A happy thought! Thank you. And I got to go outside in the sunshine yesterday for the first time in 11 days since I was admitted to the hospital. Yay! Definitely a good feeling that brought a lift to my spirits.

Mirka Breen said...

{{{HUGS}}} Evelyn.

Barbara Etlin said...

I really enjoy the years when we get a real spring and don't just skip from winter one day to summer the next. Tulips upon you!

MirkaK said...

It is a great time of year, green and blossomy. I’ve always been glad to have been born in May, such a wonderful month.

Mirka Breen said...

Happy *belated* birthday, MirkaK