Tuesday, July 23, 2024

To Have or Not to Have THE BOOK PARTY?


I see this question on writers group chats. Should I have a book launch party? Where? How? Is it a must?


I really like this post by Liz Alterman. It tells of her personal experience of this very matter.


Let’s face it: unless you have written on a very hot topic and are a known expert on same, or you are already an established author for fiction, your book event will not draw a crowd of strangers. Your audience will be largely made of supportive friends who want to celebrate with you, a very nice thing. This, too, makes a book feel “launched.”



But there will be a few new faces, and each is a possible future friend. This, at least, has been my experience.

If the very idea of throwing a party where no one comes gives you night sweats, know that you don’t have to have book events. Many writers are not natural partiers. It’s okay either way.


Speaking for myself, I hope to have more books published. Parties will depend on what/where/when. I did like my previous events after I had done them and saw, as the book of Genesis says, that it was good.


Vijaya said...

Mirka, it's so great to see you enjoying the party! I've only had a book launch party for a couple of my books and I'm so glad I did. That fear that nobody will show up to celebrate is real...

Here's to many more books and celebrations!

MirkaK said...

If it had not been for the announcement of your book event—how many years ago?—I would never have known about you, met you, and would not be able to continue to marvel that I have a friend named Mirka, whose father came from the same city as mine. What are the chances? By all means, have book parties, for you never know what might come of them.

janlcoates said...

Well, I was terrified for my first book's launch, back when my town had a bookshop, in 2005. Since then, I've come to loathe book launches, for the most part - feels like I'm beating the bushes to get people to show up. My friends aren't quite as interested/enthusiastic as they were in those early days:) My favourite launch was for A HARE IN THE ELEPHANT'S TRUNK, mainly because Jacob Deng, loosely the protagonist in the novel, was well known and attracted tons of people, and we sold loads of books. And there was a Sudanese band! But that was the only bright spot in my launch life:)

Evelyn said...

I've been to lots of launch parties for other authors, but I've never hosted one for one of my own books.

Karen Jones Gowen said...

I agree that they are wonderful events for family and friends who are interested in celebrating with you. It makes buying the book easier for them, where they can either buy it there or bring one they already bought for an autograph. Also, I feel like if an author wants a launch party, they should go all out and make it fabulous. If not then don't do it because you think you must.