Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The Universality of Experience

If nothing else, (and there’s plenty else) a pandemic brings home the universality of experience.
There will be time to reflect and assess whether we under-reacted, overreacted, were prepared or not and coped or not.
Right now all such assessments feel premature and sadly too political. Quarrelsomeness is part of our species. But so is mobilization and co-operation.

Which is what I’m focusing on, as friends all over the globe post Corona Outerwear Fashion:

A friend in South Korea^ (They were ahead!)

A sister in Israel^ (She makes these herself)

A friend in Madagascar^

A friend in Maine, USA^

And yours truly in California, USA^

I’m determined to return to musing about writerly and other life things next week. These, too, are universal and there lies the value of shared thoughts.

Can hardly wait to say Bye-Bye to COVID-19. Let’s meet on the other side.


  1. Oh yes, I'm so ready for this to be done. It was so nice to see signs of life around our neighborhood in Israel. The govt. is slowly easing things open. Fingers crossed the infection rates stay down.

  2. Yes, the bond of shared experiences is an important part of who we are as humans. And covid-19 is giving us lots of opportunity to share our experiences together.

  3. Yes, I am so tired of all the politicizing of all this. Isn't it bad enough without that?

  4. Your post and pictures show how we're in this together. Observing and recording what it's like is a very writerly thing to do :)

  5. Things are starting to open up her, and I am so ready! I think it will take some time to process everything, but I've been journaling a lot. Someday I will want to read these notes of mine or use them.

  6. Believe it or not, I haven't left my house since March 13th, so I haven't had to wear a mask yet. My husband still has to go to work a few days a week (wearing a mask, of course) so since he's out, he does the food shopping for us.

  7. Love your sister's mask! We've ordered masks to be delivered, owls for me and helicopters for M. I figure if I have to wear a mask at least it will coordinate with own fashion statement.


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