Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The Month of May

I woke up today, tired of Corona and determined to embrace the daffiness that this time of year usually confers on me. So with few apologies, here goes.

I find the very thought of the month of May very gay, in the older sense of this word. The wintry darkness lifted, the flowers bursting forth, and for my writerly soul, the word lends itself to an airy dance.

In May, we swoon and sway
Come May, night give way to day
What else can I say?
Pray, play, and spray away the gray
May is A-Okay

That kind of gay^. Let the bloom of new creativity beam over you, like sunshine’s ray.

Feeling silly positive, and wishing to spread May all over the bay...


And listen, you everywhere yearning for the day we'll all breath free:
We need such fay sentiments right now. Okay?

Oy Vey


  1. I love the month of May too and I join you in your silliness.

  2. I love May too. The best flowers are blooming, the weather is warm, but not too hot. Our local farmer's market just opened today. It feels like spring when I can get beautiful rhubarb and strawberries.

  3. I keep thinking it's still April. I don't know what happened to that month. It was March and then May. How? This quarantine is really messing with my head.

  4. Silliness is great! Yay for May!

  5. Normally, I love May, new things growing, blackflies and all that, but we're expecting a SNOWSTORM here on the east coast tonight. So I'll just keep making masks...

  6. I'm all for embracing the silliness! And you can bet there is a lot of that in my house every day.

  7. Yah for May!

    I went out to water and fertilize the tulips and take photos. Like the tulips, I'm going to pretend it didn't snow yesterday and might again tomorrow.

  8. Yah for May! Today it's sunny and I watered and fertilized the tulips, ignoring tomorrow's forecast for snow.


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