Tuesday, July 18, 2017

This Is Called an ANNIVERSARY---

How do we count them?

By one plus one, by five plus five, by ten plus ten, and then...

If we’re lucky, we get old. If we’re very lucky, we get old together.
©1993 By Karen Shapiro
{Best wedding present you can get if your friend is a talented artist}

We get silver anniversaries, and then our hair tells the same. Hair color gives us gold at the golden anniversary.

Black & White photographs make all those colors timeless. They also fade less, and so once a year we can look at them and think---

We weren’t babies. But my, we were young(er). ^


  1. After I got divorced, the day of my wedding anniversary bothered me for a while. Now I don't think about it, but I congratulate you on yours.


    1. The dates of anniversaries and birthdays remain, even after what they celebrate is gone. I'm keenly aware of my parents' birthdays, and they now have a death-day also...

  2. What a beautiful couple you are. Happy Anniversary! May you have many, many more.

  3. Happy Anniversary! Beautiful stitching and photos!

    1. Thanks, Tina. My old friend is a super talented artist, now famous for her ceramic art.

  4. Happy anniversary! You both look fabulous! You haven't changed much at all through the years, Mirka. I'd definitely recognize it as you if all I had to go on was your wedding photo.

    1. Thank you, Karen. Even I'd recognize us, though a closer look shows we have walked some miles between then and now. The changes are *earned* ;)

  5. Happy Anniversary dear friend.

    1. Thank you, Steph. You and I met only a year plus later, babies in our arms. So we go way back, too...

  6. I hope you had a lovely anniversary day! It's good to see both pictures of the two of you. And to think about all the meaningful years between them, filled with both joys and sorrows. I hope there'll be more joys than sorrows in the years to come. Hugs to you, dear friend.

    1. Thank you, Ev. You have had many anniversaries under your apron.

  7. Sorry I'm late, but I hope you had a wonderful anniversary!


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