Tuesday, July 4, 2017


Achieving independence is not a little thing.
 Maintaining independence may even be a bigger thing.
Learning to balance independence with interdependence is the greatest thing of all. 

Countries, like individuals, families and clans, are not lone wolves. We’re at our best when we find and sustain the precious balance of autonomy and interconnectedness. 

This is what I resolve to continue to work on, and celebrate today.


  1. Yes, I agree. I think we, as a culture, often fail to value the importance of interdependence as we should. Happy 4th to us all!

  2. Interdependence. So true. A safe and happy Fourth to you and yours.

  3. You always give me important things to contemplate Mirka. Thanks for that and happy 4th to you!

  4. Very well put. I do struggle sometimes with letting go and letting interdependence happen.

  5. Hope Canadian/American relations can weather the storm!

  6. Well said, Mirka!


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