Tuesday, November 26, 2024



Thanksgiving week, and all across the continent folks are discussing recipes, menus, and the now-ubiquitous “here come the holiday blues.”


American Thanksgiving centers around a single meal because the story attached to the national ethos involves a single holiday feast.


Whether true or (most likely) half-true, a tradition that follows most Americans contains memories of these family get-togethers.  I remember my mother telling me about the Thanksgivings of her childhood when I, her Israeli daughter, had no notion what it was about, nor the image of Indians sitting together with Pilgrims in the seventeenth century. I only knew the nostalgia in her eyes for a country she had left to go and help build the Jewish state. But we always remain the children we were, years later and miles away.


Holiday meals are fine. But I have come to focus on the matter of the underlaying theme. Thankfulness is not for one day a year. It’s a good habit for every day.


I now end each day, just after turning off the lights, with at least three things I am thankful for that happened that day.  Not general things, but specific ones. Some days are particularly challenging, and I count things that could have happened but (thankfully) didn’t. Most days (again, thankfully) it’s easy, because life’s gifts are more abundant than my normal state acknowledges.  


This routine has a way of strengthening itself. It’s a good habit to develop. I’m thankful to the person who suggested it. I no longer remember who it was but Thank You.


  1. I think that's a great habit. I'll try to adopt that myself.


  2. The American Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays because it centers around thankfulness for food and family and friends.

    My first emotion upon waking is gratitude--for this life, for this day--and in my nightly examen, I thank God the Father for 3 specific things, ask forgiveness from Jesus for 2, and ask the Holy Ghost to help me do one thing better the following day. I can't remember where I read this 3-2-1 system but it's so much more simplified than the Ignatian examen, which is 5 steps.

    Thankful for you, Mirka.

  3. Love seeing this illustration! I used to be faithful in writing my gratitude list in a journal each night after reading Ann Voskamp's 1000 Gifts. Currently, I just pray my list of thanksgiving. Enjoy your week, hopefully with some family!

  4. Feeling grateful every day is a wonderful practice. I start each day thinking about all I am so thankful for. Thanksgiving, as we were taught about it in public schools, leaves a lot to be deserved when it comes to accuracy. I imagine Native Americans could have generously provided food, but how did the invaders/colonists eventually treat them in turn?

  5. Thankfulness is something I've started to do and I usually don't have trouble finding things to be grateful for. Happy Thanksgiving!

  6. Yes, it's good to be thankful. And having a specific time to express our gratitude is helpful. I'm wishing you a happy Thanksgiving, Mirka, and am very grateful for your friendship.


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