Tuesday, June 18, 2024

TREASURES on the Way to the PARTY


The longer I live on this earth, the more I realize that it’s the way to, rather than the end point, which is the real deal.


From recent life of me and mine, I watch as--

*The adventure of brewing beer is not the drinking but the process of making the thing. Both complex and interesting. [I was an observer on both ends]

*Painting a portrait~ finding out a face is so much more than the “seen.” [Ditto about being an observer]

*The first drafting of a novel~ Learning so much about what I never knew I didn’t know~ Interesting is too mild a word for it.

*Navigating a nature trail~ who cares if we ever get there and what is “there,” anyway?


These got me thinking about all the things discovered accidentally, on the way to a different destination. Their discovery stories are linked below--

Penicillin, Teflon, pacemakers, X-rays and the microwaves are famous examples. But also, Quinine, Velcro and potato chips… Ah, well. What did we ever do before the latter?


So, chipping away here to the next adventure. Nothing is wasted. The roads are littered with treasures. The party is the hike itself.



  1. I love this, Mirka. Serendipity. Ten thousand blessings. This journey. Heavenward...

  2. Yes, it is indeed the journey, not the arriving.

  3. Love this - "...the party is the hike itself." So true, although I think it's taken the wisdom of age that's allowed me to see this more clearly. We're having a sweltering heatwave here in the Haliburton Highlands - hope you're staying cool!


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