Tuesday, May 28, 2024



Even the word in English, SPRING, brings to mind a hop~ and a skip~ and a jump~---an upward trajectory.


Enjoy the uplift with a spring in your step.

Life is reaffirming itself.



  1. Thank you...though it's already looking a lot like summer here in SC :)

  2. Yes, Vijaya. The saying is the Memorial Day marks the beginning of Summer. But if that were so, Spring might as well be canceled or amount to nary a weak week ;P

  3. A happy thought! Thank you. And I got to go outside in the sunshine yesterday for the first time in 11 days since I was admitted to the hospital. Yay! Definitely a good feeling that brought a lift to my spirits.

  4. I really enjoy the years when we get a real spring and don't just skip from winter one day to summer the next. Tulips upon you!

  5. It is a great time of year, green and blossomy. I’ve always been glad to have been born in May, such a wonderful month.

  6. Happy *belated* birthday, MirkaK


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