Tuesday, March 19, 2024



Once again, I’m allowing myself a post that celebrates my cats, with your indulgence. It helps that the goofy celebration of Purim is around the corner. πŸŽ‰


A few years ago, a friend who is not a feline fancier, asked me if having my cats makes moments of defeat better tolerated.


I remember my answer, which stands to this day. “They make EVERYTHING better.” 😻

{All right. Maybe first-drafting, with their playful paws trying to catch my typing fingers, is the exception}


So, I owe them. 😼😺😻


The curly font (sorry if it’s not fun to read) reflects their sensibilities. They insisted I use it here.



  1. Your mews!!! I say they are essential. Celebrate them, indeed. I just gave a treat to mine.

  2. So glad you have your furry friends.

  3. My daughter also has three cats and loves them more than anything, especially since she and her husband have been unable to have children. I personally am more of a dog person, but i do enjoy my daughter's cats when I visit. They have such distinct personalities and they are such a joy to her, so I love them for that above all.

  4. I'll bet they're great listeners! Charlie is always my first audience:)

  5. They are beautiful puddy tats.



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