Sunday, July 23, 2023



You may have heard a variation of the phrase two people equals three opinions.


This phrase purports the notion that each pair of eyes sees a variation of an image, each pair of ears registers sounds as variations on a theme, and each person’s mind colors the same set of facts with a different hue.


I am reminded of this miracle every week, when my online picture book critique group gives feedback to a single manuscript. We share a group email thread so everyone can read others’ take.


I am usually the first or second to respond, and I give it all I’ve got. But when others’ feedback comes in I’m astounded at the points I missed, the typo I didn’t mark (less about that, because I’m Ms. Typo myself) and the essential fixes I never saw a need for when I read.


Conventional wisdom is to revise if more than one person highlights the same flaw. To be sure, there are matters most of us will note even as the offered fixes vary.

But it’s the singular opinions that strike me every time. Once pointed out, they pulsate in neon as so obvious I wonder how I missed such in my feedback.



Which is my way of appreciating the dynamic and usefulness of a good group.

©Image by Diane Kress Hower


  1. I have benefited so much from my writing group. We didn't share critiques on line, like your group does. We met in person (pre-Covid) and I had the same amazement regarding things I had missed. During Covid, we didn't try to meet or circulate critiques. And since Covid, we've pretty much scattered, but there are three who have become beta readers for my current projects, for which I am very grateful.

  2. Love the logo and how your crit group works. Good critters are a huge blessing.

  3. I agree that critique groups can be invaluable. I certainly gained a lot and learned a lot from the online PB group I was a part of for many years.

  4. Ah, so sweet, Mirka. You're absolutely right! I love reading other's critiques to see if I noted the same things, or if I was "off" or completely missed things. And I continually learn from others. Hope you're having a great summer!

  5. Ah... I like our summer break but miss the connection weekly. We have such talented picture book writers and strong writers in our group!

  6. What an eloquent and thoughtful description of the joy and benefit of critique groups. I love ours! Thank you, Mirka.

  7. It was a critique group from which I learned so much decades ago. Whether i had a query letter, book review, chapter, or article to run by them, the feedback was invaluable. I will be forever grateful for all the things I picked up because I had not trained to be a writer in a university program. While I had degrees, none was in writing. I forged my way in the publishing world with the support of others.

  8. I've been in many critique groups and I've learned so much from each. My current group began in 2005 and we're still friends.

  9. I LOVE how varied my critique partners are--they catch different things. But when all catch the SAME thing in my mss, I know I really have a problem.


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