Tuesday, January 10, 2023

The Myth of BRUTAL Honesty


All right, another myth busting post that hits the spot. Check it out here.


I especially resonate to number five. I don’t believe in brutal honesty, because in my experience those who hide behind this, (“I’m just being brutally honest”) are among the less honest people I’ve known, and they can’t even be honest with themselves about their aggression.


If someone cuts you down or is in the habit of cutting others down when speaking about them, honesty is rarely what is fueling their motor.


Well-meaning helpers do not use brutality. They point out where improvement is needed. They admit their take is their take, and not a divine edict.


The only honest brutes are the ones who do not hide behind a façade of helpful righteousness. They aggress and know well this is what they do and who they are.


The rest of the points made in the  linked post are excellent as well.


  1. Yes! Very well said. True criticism is kind and not pushed on the other person.


  2. I agree with Jane’s post that there is definitely a difference between brutal honesty and constructive feedback. There’s a saying that you attract more flies with honey than with vinegar.

  3. Thank you for sharing Jane's post. I liked it. I also liked what you had to say about the subject.


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