Tuesday, August 2, 2022



There's a lot in Writers Land about opening lines and opening paragraphs.

{For example, see this.}

Conventional wisdom states opening paragraphs must hook the reader at the start and bind them, so they have no choice but to go on reading. First readers may be agents reading queries, then editors reading submissions from agents, and ultimately readers browsing at book stores or “looking inside” virtually, a feature on Amazon.

Most writers know this can cheapen the story somewhat, because a great story builds up and leisurely luscious beginnings are the mark of many great novels of yore. The thing is, no one has that luxury of time anymore. What the Dickens are you thinking if you don’t realize there won’t be a soul looking at your second paragraph if the first doesn’t grab ‘em by the collar?

And speaking of Dickens, he was a master of first lines. His craft shows awareness of collar-grabbing mastery.

There are posts online where readers chime in with their favorite first lines.

{For example, see this.}


A first line or paragraph is the narrative voice in a nutshell. It makes one want to sit close by and continue to hang out and listen as long as the narrator cares to talk. Openings mustn’t be different from the rest of the story, or it’s a broken promise. Few things are as disappointing as broken promises.

To this day, one of my favorites is in Richard Peck’s The Teacher’s Funeral. The voice, so expressive, continues and delivers the promise of this opening in spades.

If your teacher has to die, August isn't a bad time of year for it. You know August. The corn is earring. The tomatoes are ripening on the vine. The clover's in full bloom. There's a little less evening now, and that's a warning. You want to live every day twice over because you'll be back in the jailhouse of school before the end of the month.

I gave this book to many of my kids’ teachers, making sure they knew it was an ode to teachers and teaching, all the more effective because it was never teachy-preachy. This opening gives that ironic feel. No matter how many times I re-read it, I’m newly awed. 

Oh, and it’s August, folks.


  1. That's a great opening, Mirka. Another book that I love about teachers is Pat Conroy's The Water is Wide, his memoir teaching his first year. Those 5th graders taught me a lot and he them.

  2. Yes, the opening is so important. One of my dear author friends (who sadly died last year) wrote YA and MG primarily for boys. At author events, he would hand one of his books to a passing boy and ask them to read just the first paragraph. He sold an amazing number of books that way because his first paragraph would hook them.

  3. I love that opening. I really need to read that book, especially as it's that time of year. I'm a teacher too.
    I agree that we have to be careful about making the opening too action-packed. I did that at first, and often got comments that people didn't connect with characters or were lost.
    I'm still learning how to find the just-the-right pace for an opening.

  4. Great post, Mirka! Thanks! I'm going to revise my first chapter to include a visible sign of the protagonist's internal tension.


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