Tuesday, August 23, 2022



For a Whale of a tale

August is beginning to look at its end. For me, this is the time to wind up the initial charting/plotting of the bones to my next middle grade novel.

All over this land, some dive in during November National Novel Writing Month, a.k.a. NaNoWriMo. By November, I will be looking back on a rough first draft I hope to have finished, and take my between drafts break as the multitude are sweating it out. Early December, I will be on draft number two.

This has worked for me for the last ten (gulp) years. The point is to know yourself and do what works for you.

It began with gearing up to the quiet writing-time my kids’ school year afforded. It stayed even after their schooling continues away from home. I thought about the parents who were robbed of this time during the pandemic school closures, and was appreciative I no longer had little ones. It would certainly have broken a cycle that worked so well.

Here’s to hoping I can do it again. Here’s wishing us all a writing year without interruptions, where the surprises are on the page, not on the streets.


  1. All three of mine will be in full-time school for the first time this fall. It'll really open up my writing time. Enjoy your drafting!

  2. Best wishes on your plotting and writing. I always enjoy whatever you choose to share with me.

  3. Yup, the school schedule works well for me too. But I still need to learn to draft a novel straight through. Someday.


  4. ". . . where the surprises are on the page, not on the streets." Love that! Enjoy your writing time.

    I have never done NaNoWriMo. I started it only once and immediately got the only "writer's block" I'd ever experienced (lol). Suddenly couldln't think of a word.

  5. My husband has often said, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." So, if your routine works for you, keep it!


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