Tuesday, July 12, 2022

AGE? What’s that?


We do know that, up to a point, age does bring a certain kind of wisdom—

The reflective kind.

Which is why, especially in the thinking/writing arts, ageism has no place whatsoever.

We are not weightlifters or furniture movers, for heaven’s sake.

And so if you read one thing today, please read the article in this link.

[Debuting at the Age of 66 | Jane Friedman]

Can you tell I am ready, oh so-so very muchly ready, for my breakout novel?


  1. I agree completely, Mirka. Breakout novel sounds beautiful to my ears!!! I hope you do.

    One of my favorite students was a 75-yr-old woman, writing stories of growing up during the Great Depression, then marrying and raising ten children. Her memoirs are a great gift to her family.

  2. Grandma Moses didn't start painting until she was 77. I started painting rocks when I was 58. The only time it's too late to start something new or do something amazing is when you're morte.

  3. Wishing you that breakout novel very soon, my dear friend. You deserve it!

  4. Love that article! Thanks, Mirka. It was very inspiring.

  5. Thanks for sharing this articile.


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