Tuesday, October 19, 2021

The Month of Changes


October, like its mirror April, is a month of changes.

Days turn from pleasantly moderate to cold, only to abruptly switch to oppressive heat and back again.

Still air yields to wind gusts, before they leave to wherever blustery winds retire to.

In the San Francisco Bay area where I live, October is the month of earthquakes and great firestorms.

When it comes to planning on what’s next, this is a time of not knowing.

Which is why it’s the best time to start contemplating a new novel, and marvel at where the emerging story may go.

Because you never know.


  1. Have fun developing your new story!

  2. I like how you think, Mirka. Here's to all kinds of fun contemplating new stories. I love fall. Still revising but new stories are percolating on the back burner.


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