Tuesday, September 7, 2021



According to the Jewish calendar, the Jewish New Year began yesterday at sundown.

According to the same, the year is 5782.

By orthodox tradition, the counting began when G-d made the earth. Thus, the earth was created five thousand seven hundred and eighty two Jewish years ago.

What do I think? It doesn’t matter. I celebrate the passing of time by dipping apples in honey and feeling grateful for creation, no matter when it happened.

 Who’s counting? Better not to pass up the opportunity to rejoice 😋

©Illumination by David Moss


  1. The older I get, the less I try to count the years. LOL Happy New Year!

  2. Happy New Year, dear friend! God is good and an amazing creator no matter when and how he made things.

  3. A blessed and happy New Year to you and all yours, Mirka. Please explain the picture you posted--it is so beautiful.

  4. Jewish artist David Moss is a genius, the sort that appears once in a millennia IMO. American born, today he lives in Jerusalem. You can see more of his work (in this post it's a marriage contract, or Ketubah) on this link-
    Or on his own site-

  5. Thank you, Mirka. Loved the description--now I wish I could read Hebrew.


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