Tuesday, January 28, 2020

A Conversation with a Four-year-old

This morning I had this conversation with a four-year-old who lives next door.

            4YO: “What are you doing?”
Me: “Cleaning my backyard.”
4YO: “Why you’re not cleaning my backyard?”
Me: “Because it’s yours. You could clean your backyard, and I will clean mine.”
4YO: “I think that’s funny.”

We both laughed. Me, because his conclusion was funny to me.

When writing for young’uns, it’s good to remember they see things from a different perch. 
Bless my neighbors for sharing their kids, when mine are no longer the age I write for.


  1. Kids are funny! I'm grateful for the children in my life too, esp. our choir baby :)

  2. I love this: "When writing for young’uns, it’s good to remember they see things from a different perch."

  3. Well said. And I do enjoy interacting with kids. You never know what will come out of their mouths.

  4. The kid mind is a special thing. I love it.

  5. I work in an elementary school cafeteria so I work with kids all day. Funniest thing I can remember on the job was when we first started offering real plastic trays for a special food item we started serving. The kids asked what to do with the trays when they were done. We told them to put them in the window, (meaning the dish room window which is a pass thru opening). When we wondered where all the trays went, we discovered they had piled them on the windowsills of the cafeteria windows. lol

  6. I miss when my kids were little. Thank goodness for my kindergartners & your neighbor kid!

  7. We are: Clamco's story reminds me of Amelia Bedilia :D

  8. Love the way kids think. And that our writerly minds are always taking notes.


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