Tuesday, December 17, 2019

As Another Year Draws to a Close...

...A reminder to recharge the batteries

Some months ago, I read this article about writerly/creative doldrums. I wasn’t in the depths of such right then, but I recognized the feeling and loved the way Mathina Calliope worded this universal experience.

I’m doing fine, thanks be to G-d. But I also remember that the end of each calendar year brings a sort of self-assessment of all I have done and all I didn’t manage to do. So by way of preparation, I made sure to find this post again so I can repeat the six true affirmations Ms. Calliope listed, beginning with honoring the Muse.

In fact, I begin each day with just such. Each and every one of the affirmations resonates with me. No matter what you do, I bet there’s a version of this just for you.

And so, I wanted to share it. With gratitude to Ms. Calliope, Jane Friedman who published the post on her blog, and most of all the Great Spirit that so generously gifts us our days.



  1. Thanks for that helpful link and may the mews be always with you. Dec. is always a great time to take stock of things, retreat.

  2. Ha! The thesauruses one made me laugh. We have way too much stuff in our house and I'm honestly trying to get rid of some of it. But inevitably, if I get rid of something, then a week or a month later, I have a need for it. Guess what I just got rid of 2 weeks ago? Our paperback thesaurus! I figured I could find whatever I need online. But clearly, according to that post your referenced, I should've kept it. LOL

  3. "How To Get Out of The Writing Doldrums" can apply to any kind of doldrums in our lives. I'm in the illness doldrums these days, but I'm hanging on.


  4. The doldrums get to us all at times, but it's definitely possible to get through them.

  5. It's always interesting to reflect back on the year and see how much you accomplished and find out what you didn't do. Have a great 2020!


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