Tuesday, February 5, 2019

The Lunar Year Begins

Living in the San Francisco bay area, the celebrations of the lunar calendar are evident.

The East Asian Lunar New Year celebrations are, or were historically, based on the traditional Chinese lunisolar calendar (occurring in late January or early February)
·         Chinese New Year
·         Japanese New Year (prior to 1873)
·         Korean New Year (Seollal)
·         Mongolian New Year (Tsagaan Sar) – may be celebrated a month later
·         Tibetan New Year (Losar) – celebrated a month later
·         Vietnamese New Year (Tết)

Today, February 5th  2019, is the first day of the Lunar New Year and this time it’s ...

The year of the PIG.

If you are celebrating, many blessing on you. If you’re not, why not?

!Wishing peace and prosperity to all!


  1. Had no idea it was the year of the pig! This makes me happy!

  2. Oink, oink!!! So it's perfect that Michael made a batch of pulled pork. A dear friend loves all things piggy (she even has a whoopee cushion that oinks) so will celebrate with her.

  3. A former critique partner was into flying pigs and I started her on a collection. :-) Happy Chinese New Year!

  4. A former critique partner was into flying pigs and I started her on a collection.

    Happy Chinese New Year, Mirka!

  5. happy Chinese new year.
    have a great day

  6. Just finished celebrating ours with the in-laws. Lots of cute piggy stuff in stores. Happy Lunar New Year, Mirka!

  7. Happy Chinese New Year! I found out it was the year of the pig via Pokemon Go ... an unusual source, no? :)

  8. Happy New Year! My daughter is adopted from China so we always celebrate.


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