Tuesday, July 24, 2018

It’s Always Spring

When my kids were at the junction of navigating college/conservatory applications, I found a site that helped me understand this process, so different now from the time when we were at that stage.

College Confidential has its trolls and plenty of mis-informants. But for the most part, it is tremendously helpful. Recommended!

One of the things that struck me when young participates wrote about their hopes and wishes for higher education was the criteria they listed. I related to top quality academics and seeking particular teachers. I resonated to the matters of costs, funding, and scholarship offers most of all. I was on the paying side, after all. I understood wanting a happy social life and nice living conditions. But from my dowdy perch, I found one particular mention that struck me as funny and a bit “off.”

They wrote about the weather. They wanted good weather. They wanted excellent weather. Weather trumped all. It loomed on the top of so many wish lists that I wondered if young’uns have totally lost their sense of purpose or maybe, as one parent on the site put it, imagined they were going to a resort to major in beer.

Until the other day, when it occurred to me that when I moved to the bay area one of the considerations, and the one that keeps me firmly anchored here to this day, was and is---

The weather.

Whether you believe in global warming, global change, or no change, it’s July, and as it is in January, here it’s always spring.

See why I’m smiling?

It’s the weather.


  1. So true! My husband and I both went to UC Berkeley at different time and long ago, and one of the things I loved about Berkeley was the weather. Well, I loved the intellectual stimulation, too. But the weather made it even livelier.

  2. Haha!!! You can't beat the weather in Florida either. I suspect that's why Ave Maria does its recruiting in Jan.

  3. Ahhh...but there are those of us who love the change of seasons. Spring is wonderful, but it's even more special after the cold and gray of winter. Although I love winter, too, especially the beauty of snow.

    1. DS would agree with you, and specifically moved in search of four seasons to where he's getting a taste of them. For myself, after four years in upstate New York I am happy to visit but not live with such.

  4. We enjoyed being in the Los Angeles area again, love CA weather. Now we're back to scorching Korea. Weather has a big play in people's lives! Maybe that should be your next pb.

  5. We've had two straight weeks of nothing but rain. My yard is a lake. :(

    1. OY.
      Here's to some drying up in Pennsylvania.

      I have a faint memory of summer rain from my Ithaca NY days, but never a deluge.


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