Tuesday, August 1, 2017

The Art of the SELFIE

Well, I knew someday I would try my hand at this thing called selfie. After all, everyone is doing it—

Even if not everyone approves—
^^^Former President Obama, Former British Prime Minister Cameron, and the former Danish prime minister Thoring Schmidt taking a selfie at Nelson Mandela’s funeral. Michelle was not amused.
Sometimes I just want a photo of me with some iconic landmark in the background. It’s an I was there without asking others to take time and take the picture. Other times it’s Proof I’m still alive.

I see folks of all ages doing it. It’s not just for young’uns anymore. Something else I noted— no camera needed. The mobile phone has replaced it and few other things to boot.

My few attempts so far have been rather pathetic. It helps to have a good phone, and it helps even more to have the ability to pretend it is not a phone you are looking at. Maybe I should take acting classes.

But I can’t leave you there. Here’s a link to a post by someone who does know how to do it. I like this link, because it makes no pretense that selfies aren't show-offies. But if we are vain, might as well be successfully so.

Still working on it^


  1. You're right, seems everyone is finding themselves in at least one selfie. :) Your attempt is interesting as it reminds me of an oil painted portrait for some reason, maybe the muted coloring...

    1. The muting is likely due to the limitations of my phone, or the paleness of the subject ;)

  2. I remember taking my first selfie while on my honeymoon. And the first one I took with my phone was of our feet. The kids were showing me how to use the thing. Fun. Your selfie is very artsy.

  3. I hate having my picture taken. Selfies scare me. They feel so close and invasive. I don't really want to look at myself that closely. Lol

    1. I note that it's the beautiful women, like you, Kelly-- who are sensitive about photos. The rest of us just have lower expectations... But indeed, Selfies are an odd experience. Specifically, looking at the camera and trying to imagine there's someone there.


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