Tuesday, March 7, 2017

International Women’s Day

Tomorrow, says my wall calendar, is International Women’s Day.
Blimey if I know what that means.

I mean, I’m a woman. I was born one, and never changed. I’m also inter-national. I hold dual citizenships, and I was born with that, also. I’ve lived in different countries, and I speak more than one language.

So it’s my day, right?

I dun’ know. Why am I not feeling it?
©Noam Nadav

It occurred to me that the powers who declared this celebration could have done a better job to mark it. For the likes of me, who would rather eat soap than go to rah-rah marches, here are some of the celebratory ways I could relate to:

*On International Women’s Day— all stores shall sell all products designed to be used by women at half the price. And you’d have to be a woman to buy such.

*On International Women’s Day— every person who is not a woman will salute every woman they pass. Better yet, they’d bow down.

*On International Women’s Day— it will be mandatory to have free chocolate truffles dispensaries at every street corner for women only, and you’d get fined using it if you don’t, at the very least, look the part.

Now that^ would be a day to celebrate being a woman.

Until, and when, those who declare holidays in the land come to see the wisdom of my suggestions, I will celebrate International HUMAN Day instead.


Don’t mind me. Have fun.


  1. Happy Human Day Mirka! The truffle idea is perfect!

  2. Hope your day is happy regardless of what it's called.

  3. I would like to add...that when you non-women folk are bowing down to us, you must admit we are indeed always right.

  4. Another vote for truffles here! Yum!

    I think a lot of women are taking the day off so that people can see the impact they have on a daily basis.

    1. I forgot to add that a PAID day off would also be good...

  5. I think we should celebrate the way you described! I'm in!

  6. I want to celebrate the way you described! Count me in!

  7. I prefer dark chocolate to truffles. But I approve of your idea. :-)

  8. Here's to dark chocolate truffles and Human Day!


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