Tuesday, September 6, 2016

When the Universe Sends a Message…

After the dry spells, the rain must-needs-come.  
(Paraphrasing Matthew 18:7)

This August I got some revision work done, and critiques for others. What I couldn’t manage were original stories. I was as dry as a California summer, which also happens to be where I live.
But September, and its promise of rain, did not disappoint.

Walking with a friend, we chanced upon a group of lady-walkers. I suppose we were a group, also. A group of two to their five.

My walking companion recognized one of the ladies, and a lively hello and a series of introductions followed. At some point the fact of my writing for children was mentioned, and the next thing I knew, one of the newly introduced ladies exclaimed, “Are you THE writer of the wonderful….” 

That book was published five years ago and had a very limited release. The publisher closed its doors shortly after. I hand-sold copies to bookstores close by, and they always sold out. I also gave a few to friends. I still have some left, as do a couple of the local stores, and Amazon.

I confess I was surprised. I don’t expect, nor do I get, my name recognized. Especially in connection to this modest release.
The lady proceeded to tell me she read it to her grandchildren many times, and it’s one of their favorites.
 All right, now I should be blushing. But instead, as soon as I got back home, I felt inspired to start a new story.
A chance encounter broke the dry spell. The party’s on, and I’m back! 

Sometimes I just need to know someone is reading what I wrote.

Welcome September, and welcome rain.


  1. Yay! It's always humbling when someone recognizes me from something I've written, so I know exactly how you feel. I'm glad this broke your dry spell. :)

    1. Well, it only happened to me a handful of time before, and not for a while...

  2. Yah! Getting some nice comments on #1linewed on Twitter made me feel better about my WIP and eager to get it finished. :-)

    1. Sometimes you just want to know SOMEONE is out there... Always happy when you chime in, Barbara.

  3. Looking forward to reading your new stories! How cool to meet a reader!

  4. YAY for inspiration and fresh ideas! I'm so glad for your encounter with someone who loved your book. I love you work, too. :)

  5. Good for you! That book looks adorable. It's nice to be recognized at least once in a while.


    1. For me it's once in a long while, but at the right time!

  6. Yay for random encounters that get you back into it! I've been tapped dry most of the summer as well. Now it's a matter of deciding what I want to write next.

    1. Go singing in the rain, Katie~~~ Here's to inspiration!

  7. Yay, Mirka! It's huge to hear that your book has been read over and over at a household. Keep writing, keep writing. A child somewhere might need the stories you tell.

  8. What a wonderful story, Mirka! Just what you needed to end that dry spell.

    1. Thank you, Karen. Wishing the same to all. You know I'm one of your readers.

  9. That's cool. Those moments when divine encounters move us forward. Good luck!


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