Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Real Independence

Now that we have just marked our nation’s 240th year of independence, I got to thinking about what it means. Not only the national, but the personal. What does it take to rightfully call oneself independent?
There’s independence of thought. How influenced am I by the current winds?
There’s independence of action. Do I do what others think I should?
There’s independence of the sacred inner-self. Have I sold out?
I’m inclined to see myself as rather dependent on many things. Inter-dependent is probably the way to describe it. True independence requires clear vision and immense courage.
While I am too proud, too stubborn, and too quick to opine, all these negatives are remnants of what streak of independence has not been squashed.
We celebrate “independence,” but do we mean it? Do we really celebrate it?
I’ll think about it not only today, but the next time I witness real courage. This is what flying the flag will mean to me, and this is what the national anthem will stand for; after a long battle, our flag was still there.
May your flag still be there.


  1. Good post, Mirka, and you ask good questions. We are indeed inter-dependent, not only at the personal level but at the level so nations. I've been thinking of Brexit and the courage it must have taken to not have to adhere to EU policies that do not mesh with their nation's philosophy. Vijaya

  2. Inter-dependent is a good way to describe it. Independence is tough. It takes a lot of courage.

  3. I enjoyed your post Mirka! To me, Independence means not just going along with what the world, or governments, or even what your own people say is right. Very thought provoking!

  4. Great post, Mirka! You've got me thinking! I think that you, having been raised in another country, must have a broader perspective than many of us.

  5. Very insightful, Mirka. I also wonder if most people really do celebrate independence for all...or are they more comfortable when everyone thinks like they do? Diversity was present when the founding fathers set down those first guidelines...but they excluded many from the rights and privileges they reserved for each other...and those like themselves. It's an interesting question...and not surprising this country is still trying to find a way to be all inclusive. Wonderful post, Mirka.

  6. I never thought of all the ways an individual may be "independent." Well done, your post made me pause and consider.

  7. This is a very thoughtful post. It is hard to stray from others, but I have done so at various times of my life.

  8. Excellent points, Mirka. I've never thought about it before, but I guess I'm like many people--a combination of independent and dependent traits.

  9. Thanks for your post Mirka because, honestly, I don't think much about independence on the 4th of July anymore. I also really like the art that you chose to go with this piece.

  10. I love that 'Stand firm' message, Mirka. Your questions are ones I'll need to consider, too. I like to think I'm independent, but I've also always talked about being more independent. You're right about the clarity of vision and immense courage. I'm not there yet but I'd like to believe I'm heading that way.


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