Tuesday, March 1, 2016

My Turn…

Yup, I get one!

I get to be silly.
I was (almost) born on February the 29, which would have made me one quarter of the age I am now
You think?
Hint: thinking is free


  1. Happy birthday! I should have known you had such a unique beginning :)

  2. Happy birthday, Mirka! Hope your year is full of fun, adventure, laughter, and creativity.

  3. Happy birthday! I hope it's a great one!

  4. Happy Birthday, dear friend! Wishing you a terrific year ahead and sending you oodles of hugs.

  5. Great thinking! And if you were in Korea, you'd have to add 2 years to your age!! (one year counts for being in the womb. Then you turn a year older at Lunar New Year) Yikes!

  6. Happy birthday! My daughter likes to think about what would happen to a set of twins, one born Feb. 28 at 11:59 and the other born a minute after midnight. :) You sneaked in there. Hope you had a great birthday.

  7. I hope you had an amazing day!

  8. Happy Birthday Mirka!!! May this year be filled with beautiful words and people and all God's choicest blessings!!!

    One of my friends got married on the 29th because it is so special. She jokes she's only been married six years :)

  9. Hope you got to have your cake and eat it, too, on a wonderful day to start off your best year yet!

  10. Happy birthday! At my house, we didn't have any birthdays to celebrate, but we ate frog cupcakes, since it was "leap day."

  11. Happy Birthday, Mirka! Enjoy the cakes, the drinks, everything. Thinking is free. So is enjoying the day and relaxing. Have a great one!


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