Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Cold Got You Down? Get Some Whiskers!

The Love Holiday just passed, and if you did it right you kissed a lot of people. This could mean you are now laying low and lying down, felled by an old fashioned cold.
It is imperative to have good comforting company to look onto occasionally.

A good pair of slippers. These were a gift from DS, called Freudian Slippers. The label says they were made by The Unemployed Philosophers’ Guild.
And a good book to read~

 With someone to read it to you~

© LOVE makes the world go around ©


  1. Aw, I hope you'll get better soon and no more kissing until then. I agree, some cozy slippers, a good book and a literary cat are three of the best things in life.

  2. I like! But NOT that you are sick. Praying you get well soon. ((Hugs))

  3. Glad you have the simple comforts for when you're not feeling well. Get well soon!

  4. Hope you're feeling much better but with that beautiful kitty, those warm slippers and that book, I'd say you know how to starve a cold/feed a fever!!

  5. I hope you're feeling much better, Mirka. The kitties, warm slippers, and the book are a healing combination. (Maybe add in some nourishing soup?)

  6. Ah. Too cute. I hope you feel better soon though. But not so soon you can't just enjoy the break. :)


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