Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Let’s Talk About…


I’m in a self-indulgent mood. I don’t want to think too hard. Goodness, I’m doing that with my WIP.*  *(WIP= Work In Progress)

I don’t want to delve into deep emotions. My WIP is draining my reservoir of that, too.

I’d rather not pour out yet another preachy wisdomism. Yea, that WIP is taking what I’ve got in my teachy-preachy arsenal right now.

I just want to hang out for a bit. I hope that’s all right.
And maybe not even talk.


  1. Love your kitties! Nothing like hanging out with your cats--it's good for the soul. :)

  2. Love the photos, Mirka. I think a purring cat on your chest is the answer to ALL life's problems. Cats are the best. We can learn a lot from them. Maybe after your catnap, you can watch some funny cat videos or the ittybittykittycommittee -- they'll charge you for the wip!!!

  3. Happy resting with your sweet felines.

    1. In truth, only my blog is resting this week. My WIP is taking much of my creative fuel and typing time .
      As for the Felines-- Let me tell you-- they know how to rest.

  4. Everyone, boil the water and dip the teabag. Get out the homemade scones. Set up a little oasis of rest for Mirka. Her WIP will one day be our favorite story; we have to nurture her or we'll miss the whole tale. :-)

  5. Ah, it's nice to veg for a while and regroup. Looks like you have some fun little mewses. :)

  6. If only we humans could sleep like our pets (rather than waking up nightly/hourly with plot thoughts, etc.)

  7. It seems, Mirka, that even when you're resting you're working!

  8. Hope you're getting lots of R & R with your kitties!

  9. It's perfectly all right, Mirka! I used to hang out and chill with my cat sitting beside me. Great times.


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