Tuesday, December 30, 2014

New Year’s Resolutions

Once again, a brand new year is peeking around the corner. Once again, I resolve to make no New Year’s resolutions.
You know the kind, in one year and out the other. That’s year, no typo.
A year is a long time and barely a blip at the same time.
It’s one day at a time for me.

If you ever made a New Year’s resolution and kept if for a year, chime in. I would love to re-consider. At the very least, I’d consider nominating you for some award. You have earned it.
All right, just for today, then~
I have one resolution. To rediscover the difference between wants and needs.
 *May you have all you need and want all you have.*
Happy New Year!


  1. I only make them more as goals, something to strive for. I consider them a success if I at least try to make them. But setting something in concrete and then beating yourself up over not making them just seems silly. Life changes all the time- sometimes every day! And that's a good resolution you picked.

  2. Oh, Mirka, this has been my song this Christmas ... pointing out the difference between wants and needs.

    I always think of a word that encompasses what I need to work on for the year. You might have noticed on the BB. This year it was Patience, last year it was Fiat (not the car), and I am still pondering the word for 2015. Wishing you a wonderful and prosperous New Year.

  3. Happy New Year, Mirka! Think of all your accomplishments of 2014, and here's to greater success in 2015!

  4. I am with Leandra on this one, Mirka--I revisit my goals each year, instead of making "resolutions." Happy New Year!

  5. That's a fabulous goal to have and one to keep you busy all during your coming year of no goals. As an obsessive goal-maker New Year's weighs in as one of my absolute favorite holiday's. Good luck with yours, Mirka, and a Happy New Year to you!

  6. Love it. I don't generally make resolutions either, just dreams I want realized. :)

  7. Speaking of awards... I've just nominated you for the Very Inspiring Blogger award in case you'd like to participate. More details here: www.marciastrykowski.com

  8. A friend chose "compassion" as her 2015 guiding word. Placidity was the single word that leapt to my mind (although I wasn't positive it even was a word) when I read her post - so I plan to make that my 2015 mantra. Getting older seems to help on the road to placidity...

  9. "A year is a long time and barely a blip." The truth of that sentence leaped out and hit me between the eyes. Hoping your long time and your blip that are 2015 are equally wonderful.

  10. That's a great resolution, Mirka. Probably the best one I've heard so far. Good luck with it.

  11. A very good resolution, my dear friend. May you succeed in keeping it and may it bring you serenity and inner joy.


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