Tuesday, September 16, 2014

No Nonsense Sagacity

Breathe in,
Breathe out.
Breathe in,
Breathe out.
Forget to do this
And attaining Enlightenment
Will be the least of your problems.

At DD’s orientation last month, the Dean of Juilliard told the incoming freshmen: “Don’t forget to breathe.” In that context he meant they should get out of their practice rooms, experience the great city, go for walks in Central Park, and remember to draw essential nourishment when the vessel runs dry.

Deep in first draft to a new MG, I must do the same.

For me this means taking the weekends off. Yup, just like a regular job. It also means that I don’t allow myself to write for more than a certain number of hours on writing-days. This is not a sprint, but a long distance journey to the finish. Strategic pacing is paramount.

 And of course, there’s the breathing thing. That, and a good cup of coffee.

© All above cat-art^ by Shelagh Duffett


  1. Thanks for the reminder to breathe Mirka, it's a good way to start my day.
    And a good way to start this next chapter of your life!
    Coffee Thursday?
    xoxoxoxo, steph

  2. Wise Mirka. And I might point out that God set all of us an excellent example from the very beginning.

  3. LOL, Mirka! I've never forgotten to breathe or eat ... it's good to keep to a routine, fill the well.

  4. I definitely have to have some days off, or my writing and the want-to, definitely suffer. And Juilliard! How exciting, I hope she does well and enjoys it.

  5. Can't wait to hear about this new mg story! Yes, breathe!

  6. Yeah, the coffee is a must for me. ;)

  7. breathing... so that's why I was turning blue :P

    Always a good thing to remember to pause and take a breath.

  8. How exciting that you're so deep into this project that you have to give yourself time away from it. Happy writing and breathing!

  9. I believe in treating writing like a regular job as far as weekends, holidays, sick days, etc. The mind and body need time to rest, recuperate, and generate. :D

  10. Thanks for the comment :) Loe your post and hay writing and breathing:)

  11. Yes, we do need to breathe. I'm glad he told the students that, and I knew just what he meant as soon as I heard the word. It's great that you're so deep into your WIP. Even when we're really living it, we still need to breathe, though.

  12. Late to the game :) After reading your comment on my post, I decided to come over and see what you're working on. To my horror, I discovered I wasn't following you. I thought for sure I was. At any rate, breath is exactly what I keep saying to myself. I'm supposed to get editor's notes any day so, today, I'm not writing. I'm playing around, getting outside and not thinking about story. Glad I discovered my mistake. Seriously, I can't believe it!

  13. It's all about balance--finding that right balance of work and personal that makes you happy and helps you be the best writer you can be.


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