Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Spring Starts with an S

A relative in Israel asked me if I remember Israeli spring.

{I do. Mostly, I remember it was too short.}
No, I haven’t joined the A-Z challenge that took over blogosphere last moth. All these S-words are part of the mini-silliness that strikes in spring. A giddiness that might be hardwired in our cells.

 We survived winter.

It may not seem like much in an age of central heating, modern hospitals and flu shots. But fall babies were thought to survive at a much lower rate than spring babies for a reason. Animals that live outdoors go into heat in winter and give birth is spring for a reason. Plants sprout up. Shoots and leaves make their first shy appearances, and humans have new springs in their steps.

Tsss-Tsss…. Come to think of it, lots of Ss.

‘Nuff folly. I’m going dancing. Swaying and swooning, more like it.


  1. Hah! Summer's here already with 90 deg weather. I love it. Swimming and splashing.

  2. Owls mate in February, a bit earlier than other birds, so their owlets will mature sooner than other birds.

  3. I love spring and fall. I'm all for inbetween temperatures.

  4. Beautiful photo, Mirka! I must confess that I am *very* glad warm weather has finally arrived--much later than normal in SC this year. I am going to remember our freezing winter when I am tempted to complain about the heat this summer! = )

  5. You are so right about the giddiness of spring. I'm definitely feeling it at the moment with the sun finally shining!

  6. I love the moderate temperatures in spring. I'm not a fan of hot or cold weather. :)

  7. I need a little more sun to feel giddy. It's still being elusive.

  8. I agree spring is too short:) Hurray for spring. Loved the post about newbies :)

  9. I was just saying to my daughter this morning that spring weather is perfect - sunny and warm but not so overbearing as to drain the spring from your step. We must enjoy it while it lasts!


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