Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Tomorrow is the Busiest Day of the Year

Before I was published, DH used to tell others that I was trying to write. I corrected him time and again. I wasn't trying; I was doing it. I was trying to get my writing published, but writing was something I was already doing.

Spring is in the air and it is tempting to do less and dream about doing more. There’s always tomorrow.
 But today is yesterday’s tomorrow, and today is all we really have. Don’t try, do. Spring forth and bring it on.
Pep-talk for today, if you needed one. I sure do. 


  1. I do! I meant to get in writing last night- and the night before that- and it just didn't happen. But today! Yes. It will.

    1. Happy to report I got in 800 words. And hopefully more later once the kidlet's in bed!

  2. I loved what you told your hubby--so true!
    I am now inspired to squeeze in more writing time today. :)

  3. Yup ... between music and Easter holidays, everything is on the agenda for *tomorrow*. Actually, the 60-second procrastinator arrived in my mailbox yesterday but I've not had the chance to read it yet ... Tomorrow :)

  4. Very true! Procrastination gets you nothing. Live today.

  5. We all do. Thanks. Getting weary in the A-Z. Too much putting off of other writing and pursuits. Funny cartoons :)

  6. Yep. I needed it. It's time to write.

  7. This reminds me of that sage advice from THE writing guru himself, Yoda. "Do or do not. There is no try."


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