Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Who’s an Expert?

“I do not pretend to know what many ignorant men are sure of."                               
Clarence Darrow

A writing colleague confessed she does not give writing/publishing advice, because she does not feel she has the expertise.

 I, on the other hand, don’t have much expertise, but never shy away from giving advice. I began my career as the Opinionator at the age of five, when I explained to my mother at some length why her bachelor work-friend Bob will never get married. Bob didn’t listen to me, and married the love of his life, Edith, only a few months later. But my mother said I expressed myself well, and could have a future in this sort of business. The opinion business, that is.

Is it lack of humility, or simple delusion? I think in my case both are contributing factors, but the main driving force is a sense that there’s not enough knowledge in the world, no matter how much I studied, that would make me infallible. In the meanwhile, why not share what I think I know?

This is my excuse for this blog, for my books, and for continuing to give and take advice with gusto. I hope to always be gaining expertise, but never become an expert.


  1. Good point. The minute we become an "expert" we've just shut off any future learning.

  2. I love the Clarence Darrow quote, Mirka! I am by no means an "expert" at writing-related stuff, but I help other writers where I can. Every critique I give is accompanied by a "here are my thoughts--take them or leave them" clause, and I eagerly await critiques of my writing from those same writer friends. We may not always agree with all of the ideas and suggestions we exchange, but it makes us think! = )

  3. Clarence Darrow is a very distant relative, but I never knew he said that. Love the quote, though!
    I think advice is great, as long as I'm not clobbered over the head with it. :)

  4. Ah, the world would be poorer if we all waited to be experts. Opine away!

  5. I'm always happy to share my experiences and what I've learned, but I don't think I'm an expert.

  6. How many experts are there really? I think we are all works (masterpieces) in progress.

  7. I'm always happy to offer help and my opinion(nicely), but as far as hard-core writing advice, I tend to shy away from that. I still feel to new to the game to do that! And no one wants my help in the grammar department, believe you me. ;)

  8. Yeah, expert is a bit intimidating. Someone I was talking to about a topic I wrote on called me an "expert" on the topic, and I was a bit taken aback. The thing is, because there wasn't a great deal of info out there on the topic, I probably HAD found basically all of it. It was a weird moment.

  9. Retain your gusto in giving and taking advice, Mirka. I'm not an expert in anything but am happy to share what I've learned.

  10. Seems you always have spot-on thoughtful advice, keep sharing.


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