Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Love and Kisses

I felt a bit remiss for letting Valentine’s Day pass this year with nary a bloggish mention, when I ran into this-

“People who throw kisses are hopelessly lazy.”
                                                                                       Bob Hope

And it occurred to me that expressions of love on electronic posts are a form of laziness, too. Too easy, too casual, too nothing.

This is my excuse for not posting electronically virtual chocolate wishes.

But even if belated, I had to share this image. This is one way the blogosphere excels. It allows me to  throw some art I love your way. 
Because I *do* love you for bothering to stop by, and you deserve at least this much---
©Shelagh Duffett


  1. I love this art too, the bright colors, the simplicity of it. Thank you for sharing!

  2. Oh, I love that image! Good choice. :-)

  3. Thanks for posting that--it's wonderful. :)

  4. So much fun! Reminds me of one of my new fav picture books: WOOF: A LOVE STORY by Sarah Weeks.

  5. I love this new technology for sharing ... letters, notes, posts ... it's all good. Love the artwork. Thank you.

  6. I love the artwork....vibrant. I do prefer real chocolate over virtual,but the later is calorie-free.

  7. I didn't mention Valentine's Day on my blog on the actual day either. I really am not big at all on the holiday. Love isn't about one specific day.

    Love the image.

  8. Love the quote and the image. It's nice to let Valentines last all month long.

  9. Gorgeous painting--love the bright colors.

  10. My dad always included Valentine's Day as one of those holidays that "were invented just to make the cash register go cling." (Mother's and Father's Day were others he cited.) Love the picture.


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