Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Who Is Smart?

Where did I leave my favorite pen?

For as long as I can remember I had a tendency to put things someplace, then forget where. Having made this statement, you’d be smart to wonder if I can be trusted to remember whether I have always been this way, or it is a sign of my all-around feeble mind.

I also remember being thought of as smart. But why? Says who? My report card?

I read that squirrels can remember up to ten thousand hiding places where they squirreled away their nuts. Squirrels are more then smart. By this measure they are brilliant.
I pity the researchers who sat and counted ten thousand different nut-hiding places. I wonder how smart they had to be to know the places were all distinct. They had to be smart at counting, that’s for sure.

I’d settle for finding my pen.


  1. I wonder if they really remember that many places, since the whole process produces new trees. Still, I'm sure they remember a lot more than I would! And, as for losing pencils, I think that just comes with a creative brain. (At least it's my best excuse.) I've always been that way.

  2. Ha. I certainly feel dumber than a squirrel today. Your post confirms it. :-)

  3. I have a favorite pen that is often stolen by my eighteen year old daughter who loves squirrels. I can only write in black ink...not blue...not red. It is quite a dilemma.

  4. Aw, that is an adorable picture! I do believe nature is enormously fascinating ... we have a running joke in our house about squirrels ... because important conversations are interrupted to watch them. "Look, a squirrel!"

  5. I'd like to have their memory too,hope you'll find what you are looking for:) Lovely photos:)

  6. Neato fact that I didn't know before! My husband's grandmother was from nothern IN, and they have black squirrels up there. Don't know why, but I'm so fascinated by the fact that they're black.

    1. We have two black squirrels amongst a sea of the usual gray ones. I was thinking I wanted to find out why and maybe make a picture book out of. I'll race you! :).

  7. Oh my, this is just what I needed to read tonight, sigh. Now if only I could remember where I put my keys. =)

  8. I never would have guessed that squirrels are smart… :)

  9. I'd settle for finding my brain. Or remembering my kids names, mine too. I'd starve as a squirrel.

  10. LOL. I've heard that, too, about the 10k hiding places. Wonder how they came up with that.

  11. My problem is looking for something and not seeing it when it is basically right in front of me.


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