Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Our next-to last presidential campaign featured the winning slogan, CHANGE YOU CAN BELIEVE IN. I wasn’t sure then what it meant.  All I know is that while change is inevitable, I have a hard time with it.

Another cliché, change is the only thing you can count on, is the solace I give myself as I struggle with small changes to my routine.

The big ones seem to take care of themselves, maybe because others come to our aid as they recognize the challenges of loss, moving, and financial set-backs. Happy but monumental changes get celebrated with communal support, be they the birth of a child, marriage, or a new job. There is an expectation, from self and others, that these adjustments call for circling the wagons. There’s a self allowance for turbulence, and chocolate.

It’s the little changes that are the bane of my existential struggle.

Like when my favorite brand of cereal is no more. Who’s going to cry with me about that? Our next door neighbors, who haven’t lived in the house for years, finally sold it. New neighbors = change. So? Windows 8 isn’t behaving like windows 7; it’s supposed to be much better. So why, with every use, am I feeling worse?

Yup, it looks like summer is over. My least favorite season, but still, why did it have to change???



  1. I've heard nothing but negatives about Windows 8. As for summer, well I am always glad to see the end of it and I'm not sure why because I love summer. Maybe because I just get tired of worrying about the yard work?

  2. I admit that I sometimes get so excited about change that I want it now. Lol Like my addition on my house. I just want it done and we haven't even started. I'm really looking forward to it being finished, though the changes while the remodel is going on will be awful since we're staying in the house.

    Other changes I resist with all my might. I guess it just depends on what the change is.

  3. I chuckled at the mention of the cereal, but that would totally bum me out. I am a creature of habit. I eat the same cereal every day for breakfast. Every day. For years. So, I would cry with you. The change of seasons is a big one, though. A great many things change with the seasons.

  4. I can't eat the same thing all the time. Except for chocolate and cheesecake and cheeseburgers- all the big no-no's! ;) But change can definitely be scary stuff, for sure. I've thought about changing jobs for a few years, and in the end I'm just too used where I'm at. And scared of the unknown...

  5. I love your thoughtful posts. Change is one of the hardest constants to deal with. =) Your post reminded me of my grandmother telling me that years ago, when the milkman made his last home delivery, run out of business by the new supermarket in their small town, my grandmother sat with him on her front stoop and they cried together.

  6. Yes, change is hard, especially when it doesn't seem to be in your favor. I'm looking forward to Fall, cooler temps and our critique group up and running again! I've finally gotten maybe 3/4 used to Windows 8. The funny thing is when I got on my OLD computer, I had forgotten how to work the windows!

  7. I hear you Mirka. Windows 8 just about did me in. It was so hyper with all those boxes. I couldn't focus. My son came to the rescue and I cleaned it up and now I have it just the way I like it, and even like some of the new features.

  8. I mostly like change. This is because the essence of learning is change, and I like to learn. But then just today my phone updated my gmail account, and I caught myself thinking, Do I really have to deal with this?

  9. Thanks for the comment:) About changement I love the idea but when the times arrive for it I'm always a little scared:)But I think life is always plenty of changement,some good, some less:)

  10. I don't like change either! But it is something I have to deal with every day, it seems. I haven't invested in Windows 8 yet--it sounds a bit scary!

  11. I used to loathe changes. All changes! Even when, back then, my mom wanted a new sofa set, I'd go 'Do we really have to change it? But why? What we have is old but still good!' These days, I'm not so hard on changes. It is after all what got me to do what I really want but didn't dare to.


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