Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Summer Visions

©Shelagh Duffett

Y’all know by now that I am a fan of Shelagh Duffett’s folk art. She was DS’s discovery on EBay,  and continues to set my mind and heart in the right place, years later.

Aside from her vibrant unequivocal use of color, Ms. Duffett likes symmetry, and her art has the feeling of life set straight. Things in place. Everything makes sense.

Real life is messy, and we try to arrange it to make sense. We do it when we read or write academic papers. We do it when we explain anything and everything. Some of us do it when we clean and tidy our homes, (“speak for yourself…” well, not me) and I do it in my fiction writing.

But it’s summer. I’m trying to relax a bit and allow some fraying. I put my feet up, and let a day set for paying the bills go by, without. I get dinner on the table somewhat behind schedule, and the pasta is more than a little Al Mushy. My family eats it anyway.

It’s summer. It’s OK.


  1. A lovely, peace-filled picture. Thanks for sharing. And I agree, summertime is a good time for relaxing and letting life flow by more easily without so many stresses. Wishing you just such a summer, dear friend.

  2. Yay! Hooray for summer. Your post captures what it's really all about, or should be. Happy fraying!

  3. This is the first summer in a long time that I'm allowing myself more free time to be with my family. I'm keeping my schedule lighter. Once September rolls around and my house is empty except for me, I'll get caught up. :)

  4. I really like the way the trees look in the painting. But unfortunately for me, sometimes I let a few days too many go by before bill paying-late fees!

  5. Summer is a time of toe-wiggling and star-watching. At my house the sweet tea is flowing, creating a wonderful river of relaxation. (And I love the pointilism in the picture above.)

  6. I love the painting, Mirka. I have always been drawn to artwork with symmetry and color. I am also allowing myself to slow down this summer somewhat more than usual, and it has been SO nice. Enjoy the rest of your summer! = )

  7. I love that picture, Mirka. And I know just what you mean. Seems like I've been throwing burgers, or hot dogs, or sausages on the grill all summer long. I know one of these days I'll have to make a "real meal" again, but for now I am enjoying this freedom of summer.

  8. Lovely picture! Yes, summer days are so amazing. I don't want them to end!!

  9. You're right, Mirka. That art is beautiful and cheerful. Happy Summer, which is coming to an end.


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