Tuesday, March 26, 2013

A Gift to Self

It wasn't until my 30th birthday that I had this epiphany: If there is something I wish someone would give me for my birthday, that someone should be me.

I remember how mind-blowingly freeing this was. No, I don’t want a party. I wish I could spend the morning in a museum by myself.
I took the day off work, and I took myself to the museum. Anything and everything after that was happily received and gratefully accepted. I had already had the birthday celebration I wanted.

Well, thirty was ions ago. But I have kept this gift to self every year since. Sure, I could do this every day, but really- I wouldn't.  Life and my obligations get in the way. However, every birthday Mirka gets something she really wants from herself.

Last year I got the happiest shoes. 

I still float away every time I put them on.

And this year I made myself the yummiest cake-
^^^Chocolate Raspberry torte^^^. The cell phone in my hand was because I had to tell everyone about it.
And here I am doing it again.

Sorry you can’t try the cake. But try my gift to self on your next BD. You might be as happy, or at the very least you’d have gotten something you wanted.


  1. I love the shoes, and that cake looks YUMMY! Thanks for the great birthday suggestion, and a belated Happy Birthday to you!

  2. I think this makes great sense. Who knows what we'd like better than us??? :D

  3. Happy belated birthday! I love the idea of getting yourself a gift. I'm going to have to do that.

  4. Mmm... that cake looks lovely. Hope it tastes as good as it sounds!

    And I LOVE those shoes!

    My husband's theory on birthdays is that the perfect gift is one you wouldn't be able to justify getting for yourself, yet you'd absolutely love. I love that you gave yourself permission to treat yourself for one day of the year.

  5. I have been doing this the last few years and it's an awesome treat! Last month on my birthday, I took a beading class and painted a piece of pottery, indulged with a jumbo cupcake, bought myself a bouquet and a new book, and walked dogs at the Humane Society. It was a very fulfilling day!
    Those shoes are FUN!

  6. Sounds like you had a wonderful day! Awesome idea to give yourself the gift you want. And ummmm, can you send me one of those chocolate raspberry tortes on my b-day? :)

  7. Happy Birthday, my friend! I love that you gave yourself just what you wanted. The torte looks wonderful and the visit to the museum sounds peaceful and uplifting. Good for you =)

  8. What a great idea! I am totally doing that on my next birthday!

  9. Good for you! That cake looks yummy. Happy birthday, Mirka!

  10. Super idea, Mirka! Your torte looks yummy delicious. But since I'm not a cook, having to fix it myself would not be my idea of a birthday treat. I remember the year when I came home exhausted from the nursing home, misguidedly expecting some kind of birthday celebration, only to realize I was going to have to fix my own birthday dinner and something to stick my candles in. Definitely not my idea of a great birthday. I should've had your suggestion back then and been pro-active about planning something fun. :)

  11. I love that! A birthday should be a day to just enjoy being you. :-)

  12. Happy Birthday, Mirka! A few years ago, I decided to treat myself to a great birthday morning (spent at a breakfast place, writing & reading alone) and I've been doing that for few years now. Your shoes and cake look awesome! Hope you've had a grand time.

  13. Happy Birthday, Mirka! The raspberry torte sounds divine!

  14. I was pretty old when I finally figured this out. Well, almost 40 anyway. It was quite freeing. I love my birthdays now where before I understood this simple truth they were quite disappointing. Ha! Happy birthday, Dear Mirka!

  15. That cake does look awesome. Happy birthday a little late!


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