Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Breaks & Vacations

Well, it’s almost August, and I’m back.

I can still hear an elderly neighbor I had many years ago saying, “I need a vacation from my vacation.” She often went on cruises, and returned very tired. Seems she had way too much fun, and she needed the quiet of laundry, house cleaning and meal preparation, to recover.

That is about where I find myself. Fun and exhilarating moments can take a lot out of a person.

DD had the best time of her life (her words) at the international piano competition and managed to get through two of the four elimination rounds. They started with thirty semi-finalists, and she made it to the top ten. It was farther than she thought she'd get in this caliber of international competition, with the best of her generation of young pianists. Even better, while half were eliminated after the first round and never got to play their full concerto, (quite a feat) she got to the third round (the concerto round) and did very well. She made a good impression, and made some good friends.

I think it was good for me also. Most of all- while I suspected it, I didn't realize how important it is for me to stay off the Internet now and then. Ten days may be a lot, but it took about three days to adjust and get through Internet-withdrawal, so I may make it a yearly 'week off' from now on. At least for me it's the right thing to do.

I’m happy to be back, and after the three hundred and eighty seven Email messages get filed in their proper places, the real recovery will begin. That- and the task of getting household items into their places. The guys kept house, and with only ten days under their management, it is unrecognizable. They have an intriguing system of what belongs where. For example- Cheese crackers surely have a practical reason to be stored inside a hat. You get that, right? I’m a little slow, so don’t hesitate to solve that mystery for me.

Glad to be in blogosphere also and eventually I hope to get caught up with who’s been thinking about what.

But just for a few more moments, I need a vacation from my E-break vacation.


  1. Sounds like a great trip, and it is always wonderful to get back home too. But I would find laundry, house cleaning and meal preparation as ways to unwind and relax, lol! ;)

  2. Welcome back, and congrats to your daughter on her accomplishments! I love the guys' cheese crackers in a hat organization system... bewildering, but oh, so true!

  3. Oooh...I hate it when my guys keep house! Good luck digging out from your vacation. And congratulations to your daughter.

  4. Wow, congratulations to your daughter! And to you for managing to stay off the internet that long! Also, thank you for taking time from your 387 (!) emails and house organizing to stop in at Janice Hardy's blog and leave a comment on my post. Welcome back!

  5. Mirka, that's so great to hear about how far your daughter made it. I don't blame you needing a vacation from the vacation though ... piles of laundry, emails, etc. Here's to some R&R for the rest of the summer.

  6. This is my attempt to explain cheese crackers in a hat: The mad hatter went crackers!

  7. Congratulations to your daughter!
    The annual internet break sounds like a good idea, probably something we should all do.
    The cheese crackers in a hat - although I can't explain - is not sounding quite so far fetched, now that I'm getting used to having a 16 yr. old boy in our house. I spend so much time baffled by the things he does.

  8. I take my Internet break over the holidays. I look forward to it every year but takes some adjusting to stop the routine. Glad to see you back!

  9. Ha yes, I definitely needed a vacation from my vacation last week. And being away from the internet was very liberating. I'm trying to keep that in mind now that I'm back into my regular life. Happy re-adjusting!

  10. That "needing a vacation from the vacation" applies to me, too. To me, vacation is unscheduled time to myself. To others, vacation is on the go, sightseeing, etc. I think it's when we have to mix styles with someone else that the rub comes in.

    Congrats to your daughter!

  11. Why is it that vacations leaving you needing another vacation? Welcome back.

  12. Congratulations to your daughter on making it so far in the piano competition! And I totally know what you mean about internet-withdrawal. It's a wonderful thing to be away from the internet, and very healthy, but it takes a few days to adjust. It is nice to have you back in the loop, however, so welcome back!


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