Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Good, the Bad, and the Good

There was once a young man who, in his youth, professed his desire to become a great writer.

When asked to define great, he said, "I want to write stuff that the whole world will read, stuff that people will react to on a truly emotional level, stuff that will make them scream, cry, howl in pain and anger!"

He now works for Microsoft writing error messages.

All righty, then. This joke can take me to the light and lofty side, or the dark and dread-filled.

On the positive- I go to the place where I contemplate how to make a reader feel, which, after all, is an important part of writing. Oh, the bliss.

On the negative, it sends me into this labyrinth called Computer, on which I have become dependent and of which I know nary a thing. Oh, the horror.

I love this joke, because it packs a multi-layered punch.

Writing is an emotional journey.


  1. I snorted my tea! Yup, I read to feel, to know, to wonder ... and so much more. It brings me joy when a child says, "I didn't know that. It's so cool." in reference to one of my articles.

  2. "Writing is an emotional journey." - You can say that again. And we've got to laugh whenever we can. Thanks for this post and for making me laugh today.

  3. Heehee! Quite humorous! I find that the more I plan, the more those plans morph into something different - and sometimes better - things. And the old adage, "The more I think I know, the less I actually do" holds true for me, too!

  4. Writing is an emotional journey, that's true. I know I've written something good when it affects me too.

    New to your blog *waves*.

  5. Welcome, and wave back to you. Lovely to travel with fellow journeyers...

  6. Mirka, I gave you an award on my blog today. Stop by. :)

  7. Funny, funny. And yes, this is an emotional journey - the business of it, and what we dredge up, or try to, from our interior.

  8. I am sooo glad I was not taking a drink when I read that! Our writing is very emotional and so are our computer messages!

  9. Those error messages get my emotions tangled. :)

  10. Lol, what a wonderful blog you have.

  11. You make me laugh!;D thank you for sharing..


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